
Monday, 14 November 2011

Release the hounds

On account of the hares that have found my garden and the cucumbers, zucchini and broccoli therein, I now have a new secret weapon. After a loooong conversation with the sales guy, I was persuaded from the inherent beauty of a long bow to one of these new fangled compound jobs. Looks like way too much engineering to me, but he assures me that if I want to actually hit anything, this is the best bet for a beginner.

Even though it's apparently set up and 'ready to hunt', it'll still take me about 100 arrows into a bale of hay to get my technique up to scratch in order to get the sight aligned. Not the most elegant of objects, but it only weighs about 3 pound - light enough for me to actually lift and hold still while taking aim.

Am quite looking forward to getting my hands on it. I did some archery at school and wasn't bad. Even thinking of joining a club to get a few lessons before inflicting myself on those waskally wabbits. There's also a bush turkey who will come to understand the concept of territory.


  1. I realize my comments fit within a limited number of mundane themes, but I must ask: are you gonna eat those hares? Sure hope so. Good stuff, that.

  2. Waste not, want not.
    Sourcing recipes as we speak. Up here in Queensland you don't see a lot of actual rabbits. It is against the law to keep them, but because hares nest above ground, they are not considered a pest, and so there's heaps of the buggers (in our valley at least). They are also megafauna. There's got to be enough for a coat I reckon.

  3. I, Boylan, approve.

  4. Check Moko's blog on his new bow. I'm hunting irregularly at the parent's with the nephew for rabbits, no luck yet but bare bow (sightless).

    The salesman's right compound bows lack the elegance of a recurve or longbow but I can draw 65# recurve or an 80# compound I know which has more power (overkill on rabbits but I'm hoping for a fox) so compound is the way to go.

  5. This talk of the mechanics of a bow ( whether compound or simple ) is well beyond this simple girl. Do we get pictures, Hughesy??? I know we will get recipes. (THAT I can handle)

  6. Bales of hay stand still, so good luck! Maybe a fence? haha!

  7. Or a pesky neighbour? I can provide one of those, if you need practice.

  8. Those bunnies are soon to be ex-vermin now I am a neophyte of the mysteries of Artemis.

  9. I'm sorry, but " I am a neophyte of the mysteries of Artemis" sounds unhygienic. I suspect that impression reveals my lack of education, but I can't help that.

  10. Bangar, you have a recipe for fox?

  11. Boylan - it is definitely unhealthy. Her dogs could tear you to pieces, and she's paranoid!

  12. Love it...I'll get one too, before we need a license to own one. We can go on fox and hares hunts together!

  13. I believe it's the same recipe as for galahs.
