
Friday, 29 October 2010

It's official

Hi, my name is hughesy and I can't remember the last time I had a cigarette. Either I have advanced Alzheimers, or I've really actually given up smoking!

Woo hoo!
Don't even have any cravings. Don't know what all the fuss is about. You just stop.

And, I'm down to maybe a bottle of red a week (on average) and get this - am up to 2k a day in the pool!
That's two whole kilometres. Including many meters of butterfly!!!!

Added to that, I've been out treading the boards. Some people take up golf in their dotage - I've decided to enter my Mamma Cass years.


  1. Congrats on the non-smoking Hughsey

  2. Well done. That's amazing, you are my new role model...and I love the blog with you and Datsun, why have I only just dicovered it??

  3. I think you are fantastic in taking these steps. I wish you many years of improved health and well being. I know as a woman of a "certain age" as well, that it takes continued maintenance and committment to ensure we keep these vessels we live within tuned. Fortunately I never hose to smoke ( crappy lungs from the get go - smoking would have killed me) but my wight had crept up, toxic things saw me buried and my health suffered. I too am turning all that around. What a journey. Happy to find someone else on a similar path. Maggs

  4. I noticed you looked healthier on Sunday but held back from commenting. Like, one comment on a girl's loss of weight was answered with 'Yes I've had a hundred and seventy five operations for cancer and I have three and a half minutes to live!'. Sort of stifles the repartee. But you? You look fantastic!

  5. Thats good news Hughsey, commiserations on the drop in alcohol consumption though!

  6. DAM, thats shit hot, you possibly need a severe capping or at a minimum..slapping for the grog thing thought.

