
Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Author talk at Noosa Library

If you happen to be in the area on Wednesday (11th Feb) evening, I'm going to be doing a book talk at the Noosa Library at 6:30 pm. 

Sorry I've been off the air lately - have a mountain of work and have to ration web time. I'm lurking though. 


  1. 'I'm lurking though.' bugger doesn that mean you've read about my exploits in melb?

  2. Alas, its not around the corner or a hour or two, otherwise I WOULD come along, just for nuisance value, well, maybe somefin constructive, I would try.

    You !, a lurker, well I never.

    Have a good one

  3. If I was in Australia, I would most definitely go! Good luck! :D

  4. So in a talk at the library does it have to be in sign language? I have this vision of you being interrupted by stern library staff impatiently clearing their throats and going "Ssshhh" all the time.
    Oh, and my copy of ALC has just returned, intact, from its wanderings amongst my mum's coven. Its been a few months since I last saw it and was glad to welcome it home.

  5. When are you coming down here to give a talk - I am sure there would be a few burgers who could make it along to Readings or wherever and then a bite afterwards.

  6. Just popped in...I am certain the talk went well. Maggs

  7. sorry hun, I had three meetings and chose the school bus one at the pub cause I'm sec. hope all the hoy poloi noosans were there (not just some). best for the best
